søndag den 25. oktober 2015

Standing On Giants Pillow

My mom threw me a bag of  cloths and told me to go make something.... so I did. XD

This awesome band have been stuck on the top of my playlist for some weeks now and with the assignment my mom gave me, (since she thought that I should do something else than counting clouds) I ended up making a pillow.
The back was the hard part since I had nothing to look after and though it looks like a kindergarten kid made it, then i'm still pretty happy about the final look of the pillow.

If you want to check out the band, then you should go check their FB, just search on "Standing On Giants" and then choose the page which got this cat as icon.                   /\_____/\
If you wanna hear their music, then you should go hear it on Spotify.  (=*,..Y..,*=)
I can personally recommend the songs "Bubblegum" and "Pandemonium".

design of the cat + text on the pillow: Standing On Giant

onsdag den 24. september 2014

[MMD] Airplanes motion

MMD/WIP Airplanes- motion

Just something i made out of boredom. I'm currently practicing making motions and choose to start with this song .

watch it here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XObbJL…

I won't do the rest of the song...since the moves gets too fast - :iconwhiteflagplz: x.x

might go make some motion for another song....with slow moves......[better start with something on beginner lvl] Animated baby monkey

Light Purple Bullet - F2U! credits:

Pink Dot Bullet - F2U! models by kuma (yukari) and chamu (kaito v3) Thanks For The Llama Emote

Lime Green Dot Bullet - F2U! the video used in the background and the song belongs to Atlantic Records.

Yellow Dot Bullet - F2U! Except for the hand poses which are made by :iconfloramy: Thank You Birthday Sign
Rainbow Dot Bullet - F2U! then ANY part OF the crappy MOTION is made :iconhoshiumi: (me) New Avi cute piggy  

onsdag den 17. september 2014

The purple Butterfly - grammar fix

The poem i uploaded earlier as a picture, just with a fix of the grammar errors...

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

It fly over the town
and under the bridge.
Over the stars it flies.
To the moon, it have been.

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

From a dream it was born.
From a dream of a dying child.
It makes no sound.
It can't be seen.
It just flies...
Just flies in the night.

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

It flies in children's dreams...
'Cause it's looking.....
Looking for the dream it was born from.
But I know...
Know that it never will find it.
'Cause the child is dead,
and the child was Me...

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

torsdag den 28. august 2014

"The Purple Butterfly"

The purple Butterfly

by HoshiUmi

Found my old poem - it was written when i was 13 - therefore there's some grammar errors

Try Motion Download and password

Release of...

                                            Try- lipmotion

I only own the full rights of the lip motion. 
Reason for adding my name everywhere= you don’t have to look it up again when you’re writing credits. X’D

Download Link: TryLip-motion&Cam
I trust that you can keep the rules and therefore I feel like sharing my work.

·         DON'T edit the lipmotion without permission.
·        ALWAYS credit me ^^ ( please credit me as HoshiUmi and not as Heidihaj)
·         Don't redistribute - link either to the video on YouTube or to my blog.
·         Don't share the pass - since it shouldn't be too much work finding it 0.   0’’ and I also write everything in English so it should be easy to find it.
·         Don't claim as your own please
       Credit the owner of the music file 
·         It is ok to use the lip motion with another dance motion or other poses – JUST DON’T EDIT THE LIP-MOTION ITSELF.
The most Important rule (it's also the pass)-> 

Links to the music (help to turn them into wav files is written in the readme)
Female version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9WpVoAC3tk
Male: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq8kO3zny14

BTW I Would be happy if you showed me what you have used this for ^^

tirsdag den 24. september 2013

WIP Little Neko Luka + video link

The WIP Little Neko Luka Video was finally done.
Seems like the glitches I thought was terrible, seems to other people far from big.
I hope to get time to finish her soon, but atm I'm overloaded with homework.
will make some info about her progress later.

The video can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffziSqB3bQs&feature=c4-overview&list=UUJccdJ71CSMx_YLLlYlrGGQ

My DA account here: http://hoshiumi.deviantart.com/

fredag den 29. marts 2013

Identity and Social Network

Identity and social networking is words, which we often meet when we speak about cyberspace. Since people these days are making their identity in cyberspace.  People do this since people experience things on the cyberspace which they’ll learn of and which are a part of forming their identity. In old times people used a diary to write down their experience, and slowly got their identity formed by all the things they learnt. Today people use blogs and other social networks. Blogs are used to share the bloggers thoughts, experiences and what the blogger else would like to share. This is a way for the blogger to form his or hers identity, by choosing what they want to share and what their readers would like to read. The social network has become a part of the daily routines, where people meet other people with the same interests as themselves. But it also affects people in becoming dissociated. People might learn lots of things on cyberspace, but they also begin to lack important communication skills for the real world. It is also a place where people can be whoever they want, but this is also being abused by pedophiles, thieves and etc